De Lange, who has been involved in the Valke’s structures for 25 years, takes over from SWD’s Veda Manie, who held the position for the last two years.

“The employees – professional rugby players and non-playing employees – in the South African rugby industry is the industry’s most valuable asset,” said De Lange, who was CEO of the Valke Rugby Union from 2017 to 2021, when his role changed to that of CEO of Valke Commercial (Pty) Ltd.

“SAREO must strive to be the employer of choice for all the non-playing employees and playing-employees in the rugby industry.”

Pieter Burger, MD of Ellis Park Stadium (Pty) Ltd, was chosen as vice chairman, while the following executive members were elected: Eugene Fourie (Leopards Rugby (Pty) Ltd, Arni van Rooyen (Griqualand West Rugby (Pty) Ltd, Pieter Visser (Golden Lions Rugby Union), Quintin Van Rooyen (Boland Rugby (Pty) Ltd, and Ian Schwarz (SA Rugby).

The SAREO Exco members represents 117 years of experience in the rugby industry, at an average of 16.7 years of experience per member.

SAREO was registered at the Department of Labour as an employer’s organisation on 10 September 2000. In September 2025, SAREO will celebrates its 25th anniversary.